10 Upcoming Remakes That Could Be Better Than The Original

7. Tomb Raider

If you read the book Tales From Development Hell, you can gain a valuable insight into the chequered history of some of the biggest Hollywood movies ever (or never) made, one of which is Simon West's critically slammed adaptation of the video game Tomb Raider. Tomb Raider might have cleaned up at the box office, but this is no measure of actual quality; the film itself was uncertain of its plotting, erratic in tone and generally a bit of a mess (which West insists is no real fault of his own). Given that the video game series has undergone a much-needed reboot in recent years and is all the better for it, perhaps a similar make-over for Lara Croft's cinematic outings is about due. The rumour mill has been quiet on this one for some time, with no director or star yet attached, but with the pedigree of producer Graham King on board (he's worked on movies like The Aviator, Traffic and The Departed) there's a good chance it'll be a much classier affair this time around.
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