10 Upcoming Remakes That Could Be Better Than The Original

5. Drop Dead Fred

Drop Dead Fred is the kind of film which lives a far more fulfilling life in the distorted memories of those who saw it as a kid than it does on closer examination - the mix of slapstick comedy with serious issues about mental health makes for an uncomfortable blend. Given how much further along people are when it comes to understanding mental health issues in the modern world there's a chance that the upcoming remake may well retain the laughs without the tonal imbalance with more serious themes. It's fair to say that Russell Brand - set to take on the role of the protagonist's imaginary friend - isn't a comedian of Rik Mayall's calibre, but then Fred was never Mayall's strongest performance to begin with, so bettering it is entirely within the realm of possibilities. No news yet as to who will be taking on the role played by Phoebe Cates, although it would be nice if the actress made an appearance herself in a smaller role. If Brand can pull out the comedy stops this could be a winner.
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