10 Upcoming Remakes That Could Be Better Than The Original

4. It

The third and final Stephen King adaptation/remake on this list is perhaps the most controversial one - after all, many fans of the great horror writer believe that the extended television movie of his gargantuan novel It is the among the best there have been. While it's true that the previous version of It is a damn sight better than Pet Sematary and Firestarter, removing the rose-tinted glasses and viewing it again without the nostalgia reveals a seriously flawed film which is effectively saved by Tim Curry's performance as Pennywise the Clown. This aside, it's unevenly paced, long-winded and quite frankly often boring. While these flaws are as much to do with King's overlong source material, judicious editing and a director at the helm with more style would do wonders - the fact that Cary Fukunaga of True Detective fame is helming the project should alone be cause for excitement.
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