10 "Upcoming" Sequels You Didn't Know Had Been Shelved

4. Jack Ryan 2

It's A Sequel To: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2013) An admirable but ultimately ill-judged attempt to reboot a franchise for modern audiences, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit served up the most generic of all action blockbusters. You can't help but feel a tad sorry for director Kenneth Branagh and star Chris Pine, though; their intentions were clearly good - the film just turned out to be entirely unremarkable. As a result of the film's box office failings, the planned sequel - Jack Ryan 2 - has been put on indefinite hiatus, which is essentially Hollywood talk for - "it will never get made." And Chris Pine echoed these feelings in an interview late last year:
"I don't think it made enough money for to happen. That's one of my deep regrets, that we didn't totally get that right. It's a great franchise and if it's not me then I hope it gets a fifth life at this point. It's just great. I love the spy genre. I hope it's done again and with a great story."
That's where $135 million on a $60 million budget will get you: shelved.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.