10 Upcoming Superhero Movies Hollywood Needs To Stop Pretending Will Happen

9. Lobo

The Rock Lobo
WWE.com/DC Comics

At this point, movie fans have been hearing about a potential big-screen Lobo adaptation for nearly nine years. Initially announced back in 2009 as the next Guy Ritchie movie (which controversially was aiming for a PG-13 rating), the project quickly went back to the drawing board, with the next announcement coming in 2012 as Dwayne Johnson became attached to star and Brad Peyton was set to direct.

While that new incarnation of the project seemed to be going ahead, Johnson was swayed away to the Black Adam movie, with Jason Fuchs (a writer on Wonder Woman) being brought in to have another crack at the script. Muddying things even further, after Justice League bombed it was reported that WB were looking for a more established director to tackle the project, potentially with an R-rating in mind, apparently courting none other than Michael Bay.

That was earlier in 2018 though and no word on those negotiations have been heard since, and considering how up in the air the plans are for the DCEU as a whole at the moment, with multiple executive shakeups happening seemingly all the time, it's easy to see this movie once again slipping through the cracks.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3