10 Utterly Devastating Film Endings That Totally Came Out Of Nowhere

6. Dawn Of The Dead - They All Die Anyway

Dawn Of The Dead
Universal Pictures

As remakes go, Zack Snyder'€™s 2004 crack at horror classic Dawn of the Dead was pretty damn good actually. The director, in the debut of his rollercoaster career, nailed the sense of zombie carnage in the opener before settling down to the consumerist satire that punctuated the main film. People fell apart €“ mentally and physically €“ in realistic ways, and we even got to see a zombie baby, which has to count for something.

Of course, aside from the rampant violence, the point of a Dawn Of The Dead film is to see people settle down in the mall environment and find solace in their consumerist lifestyles. As said above, Snyder did a good job showing this €“ the main couple of the piece still loved watching Animal House despite the world around them falling into something resembling hell on earth. But obviously, they couldn'€™t just stay in their convenient hideaway, as that would probably ruin any sort of proper plot. So obviously, despite all sense, they decided to move on.

What was weird was that despite the awesome armoured bus set piece, we all knew this was a bad idea. Yet when they actually got to the boats, we thought perhaps they might actually get away with their hair-brained scheme, and despite the loss of the non-Ving Rhames male lead, maybe they would survive. And of course, they obviously still had Rhames, a single bastion of formidable awesomeness.

Hell, we would have even accepted an ambiguous ending. But no, the film decided to slap us about the head with an ill-fated voyage leading to a zombie swarming. Okay, so it isn'€™t confirmed that they died, but it's hardly one to doubt. It was just a bit cruel, really, to see everything undone in a credit sequence, especially after we€™'d had some hope before.

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Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.