10 Valentine's Horror Films That Will Make You Glad To Be Single

8. Lover's Lane

Lover's Lane opens like all good horror films: two people making out in a car get set upon by an unknown person with a hook for a hand. Instead of being sensible and driving away, they get out of the car, immediately fall over and are thus murdered very easily. The first few scenes of Lover's Lane after this are puzzling. Why does this film made in 2000 look so '80s? Is it set in the '80s? And what is Anna Faris doing here? Why are psychiatry sessions held in a room that looks like a medieval prison? Whatever, it's a horror film, anything goes - and it really does. There's lot of tomato-ketchup-esque blood and an ominous hooded stalker, as well as a not-at-all-obvious (read: totally obvious) twist ending. All fairly standard stuff. Where Lover's Lane really excels, though, is the sound effects. There are thousands of films that follow a bunch of teenagers getting stabbed or whatever, but very few of them push the boundaries so heavily when it comes to the appropriate noises that should occur when someone gets stabbed in the vagina with a hook. Do yourself a favour: never dump anyone in high school.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.