10 Valentine's Horror Films That Will Make You Glad To Be Single

7. Teeth

Teeth is a splendidly original and well-executed horror film examining widespread fear of vaginas. More specifically, Dawn, an abstinent Christian teenager, discovers she has sharp teeth in her vagina when a friend tries to rape her. At first she is horrified, and after discovering that she is not, in fact, normal, (being a Christian she wasn't entirely sure what she was meant to have down there) Dawn then tries to find some semblance of a normal life before realising her vaginal curse can be put to good use. Teeth is - obviously - a controversial film. It doesn't sugar-coat penises being sliced off and spit out, and so has received complaints for being "man-hating", including a very long and entertaining IMDB forum post about penis abuse, and how there are no films where women get stabbed in the vagina (clearly the author needs to watch Lover's Lane). At the same time, Teeth gained a huge amount of attention, and it's no surprise (what's really shocking is that nobody had made this film before - even Freud was afraid of vagina dentata). Teeth is silly, very darkly funny, and just violent enough to make you worry what's inside your date.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.