10 Video Game Movies Better Than Warcraft

7. Resident Evil

Mortal Kombat Silent Hill Resident Evil Ace Attorney
Screen Gems

Here's a pitch-perfect example of a video game movie that doesn't give a damn about being faithful to the source material...but succeeds anyway.

Resident Evil is basically a goofy sci-fi B-movie, albeit one that works thanks to the impressive set design, fun host of characters and memorable action sequences, most of all the iconic laser grid scene.

It's not high-art, it knows exactly what it is, and entertains accordingly: a silly zombie movie that serves as an adaptation of a silly zombie video game series. That success is reflected in the fact that it spawned a franchise of five movies (with a sixth on the way).

Why It's Better Than Warcraft: It proves that being beholden to the source material isn't a pre-requisite for success, while conversely, Warcraft's clinging too eagerly to the lore in order to appease the fanboys has resulted in a bloated, confusing mess of a film that may struggle to find much appeal outside of that fanbase.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.