10 Video Game Movies Better Than Warcraft

6. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

Mortal Kombat Silent Hill Resident Evil Ace Attorney
Sony Pictures

Though there's not much point watching this movie if you haven't played Final Fantasy VII (as it follows on from the game's plot), Advent Children does reunite fans with the game's beloved cast of characters in spectacularly over-the-top, visually stunning fashion.

Yes, the plot is pretty much nonsense and it will do absolutely nothing for non-fans, but the action sequences are ridiculously entertaining, and the fan-service and in-jokes will surely make the fanboys crack a smile.

Why It's Better Than Warcraft: Though it's guilty, like Warcraft, of indulging its fanbase too much, at least this is in the service of fun action, whereas Duncan Jones' film wears the audience down with its aggressively dull dialogues that apparently count as "world-building".

Here the plot is basically a means to reaching the numerous frantic set-pieces, whereas in Warcraft they feel more like an afterthought, which is really, really depressing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.