10 Video Game Movies Better Than Warcraft

5. DOA: Dead Or Alive

Mortal Kombat Silent Hill Resident Evil Ace Attorney
Constantin Film

It'd be easy to dismiss the Dead or Alive movie because it looks like a corny cringe-fest, but if you actually sit down and watch it, you'll see that it's one of the most faithful video game adaptations ever made, and yes, a corny cringe-fest all the same.

Most of the movie's success can be credited to fight choreographer and director Corey Yuen, who fills the film with inventive and visually impressive fight scenes, all while actually following the game's (admittedly scant) plot fairly faithfully.

Though there's not much to the dialogue, the performances are fun and it all adds up to a perversely entertaining outing that's certainly more in on the joke than many like to pretend it is.

Why It's Better Than Warcraft: It so acutely understands what the game is and what a movie based on the game should be, and Warcraft just doesn't even begin to.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.