10 Villains Daniel Bruhl Could Play In Captain America: Civil War

9. Wrecker

The Wrecker AKA Dirk Garthwaite could be a great first villain for Doctor Strange, as he's not as major a threat as someone like Dormammu (he's as dumb as bricks) and would be ideal for a rookie to go up against therefore, but he could also potentially set up a rivalry between Strange and Loki. As far as his potential inclusion in Civil War might be concerned, he could spend the entire movie as the mere human criminal Dirk Garthwaite, using the events of Civil War to exploit the fact that the heroes are otherwise engaged and commit petty crimes. He could then be incarcerated and granted power by Loki in order for him to become the Wrecker and, after Doctor Strange inevitably defeated him in his titular movie, Loki could move in to attack Earth's only heroic sorcerer, as an Earth-dwelling human wielding the kind of power Loki wants would surely tick him off.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.