10 Villains Daniel Bruhl Could Play In Captain America: Civil War

3. Red Skull

Red Skull has been touted as potentially returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe ever since he first disappeared at the end of Captain America: The First Avengers. Hugo Weaving's character was seemingly sucked in to the Tesseract and was thought dead - but how often does that not actually happen in comic books and comic book movies? Not only that but, given that the Tesseract opened portals across the universe, it makes sense that he was probably merely transported far away. In the 70+ since that happened, he could have found a way back to Earth and a new actor in Daniel Brühl could be set to take Weaving's place. Red Skull was the man who had Crossbones kill Captain America in the aftermath of the Civil War comic book arc, so it would make sense for him to cameo at the end. Of course, he's not a Doctor Strange villain, but the character is known for seeking out powerful items and Strange is strongly associated with plenty of those. If that was to bring him in to conflict with the mystical hero, it would definitely make for an interesting movie (there's also the chance Brühl could simply be playing a Red Skull clone, as there are plenty of those kicking about in the comics, but that seems a lot less likely).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.