10 Villains DC Movies Got Completely Wrong

9. Enchantress (Suicide Squad)

Jared Leto The Joker
Warner Bros.

Like Suicide Squad itself, Cara Delevigne's Enchantress failed to live up to the hype and it was disappointing when she turned out to be the movie's main villain.

The biggest problems have little to do with Delevigne's portrayal, more the fact the character was criminally underwritten. Her powers are barley explained and her mystical backstory is glossed over, along with her relationship with Rick Flag.

Although there was five decades of DC Comics lore for director David Ayer to draw on when bringing Enchantress to life, he demanded little from Delevigne beyond parading around in a series of skimpy outfits and a bit of body gyrating.

Suicide Squad had the chance get creative with strong female characters, and having one as the main antagonist would have been a bold move if they'd made an effort to flesh her out.

The movie's problems were only exacerbated when it introduced Enchantress' brother Incubus, who was barely a character at all. It's more accurate to describe her fiery protector as a mess of CGI that landed in the film straight off the set of Brendan Fraser's The Mummy.


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