10 Villains For The Spider-Man Reboot (And How To Use Them)

8. Carnage

Spider-Man 3 was the comic book movie equivalent of a nappy on a twenty pound baby that€™s been unattended for weeks; there was simply too much s*** in it. Topher Grace€™s Eddie Brock, in particular, left a bad takes in everyone€™s mouth, kind of like snogging Topher Grace after he just ate a jar of peanut butter and smoked a cigarette. Although Venom looked great, the character was mishandled. Carnage, however, is a different entity unto himself. Carnage is a walking condom advertisement, the offspring of the alien symbiote which created Venom, bonded with serial killer and all-around crazy person Cletus Kassady. Because the symbiote reproduces asexually, it did not inform Venom that Carnage had been born, waiting to drop the news on him like a sack of potatoes. The unhappiest mistake of Venom€™s life, Kassady/Carnage gets his jollies from random murder and sporadic slaughter, making him one of Spider-Man€™s more lethal, deadly foes. How He Could Work In The Marvel Studio's Reboot: Spider-Man 3 may have made a horrible casting choice in choosing Topher Grace, quite possibly the least intimidating person on the planet whose claim to fame is being belittled by a giant redhead, but there€™s no denying that Venom completely looked the part when Grace€™s face was nowhere to be seen. If Venom can look authentic, so too can Carnage, so that covers the visual aspect. However, to have Carnage in a film that kids will be seeing, you can€™t have him being the kill-happy maniac that is found in the comics. Having a serial killer happily disembowel people with the assistance of sentient alien goo isn€™t the wisest marketing ploy. Instead, taking a page from Ultimate Spider-Man, Carnage can be portrayed as more vampiric; draining people of their life and/or turning them into €˜zombies€™. I know, it will still make him terrifying, but having him be a symbiote vampire instead of a maniacal spree-killer would somehow render the character as more accessible. Pants would only be dampened, not completely soaked.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.