10 Villains For The Spider-Man Reboot (And How To Use Them)

6. Hydro-Man

Hydro-Man, the thirst quencher, is a more abstract Spider-Man villain that will definitely pee in your swimming pool because he is your swimming pool. Morris €˜Morrie€™ Bench gained the power of Hydrokinesis (which is a power that I€™m fairly sure Snoop Dogg also has), which is the ability to control water. He gained said powers by being accidentally knocked off a cargo ship by Spider-Man, landing in the ocean while an experimental generator was being tested. Hydro Man is able to transform himself into a watery, liquid substance, just like the four burritos you bought from that street vendor after stumbling home drunk. Each of Hydro-Man€™s cells are fully under his control when he is in this liquid state and he€™s able to manipulate large bodies of water when he is in this form. You€™d think that on a planet which is 71 percent water, Hydro-Man would be one of, if not the deadliest super villain but, nope, the guy is one chip short of a Happy Meal. How He Could Work In The Marvel Studio's Reboot: Although Hydro-Man isn€™t the sharpest tool in the shed, his type of power set hasn€™t really been portrayed in any comic book film, making him both original and an instant threat. Naturally, his name will have to change, because €˜Hydro-Man€™ makes him sound like he€™s a mascot in a Gatorade commercial. Having Hydro-Man in a film will raise the stakes for Spider-Man because you can€™t punch water and expect to make a difference, something that we€™re all going to have to come to learn the hard way when this climate change business kicks it up another notch. Not only can the guy do things like summon tidal waves, but he can even control the moisture around him, which puts both the planet and our very bodies in instant danger. If done right, Hydro-Man has the potential to be more than just a very wet blanket.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.