10 Villains For The Spider-Man Reboot (And How To Use Them)

5. Hammerhead

Despite his namesake, Hammerhead isn€™t named so because he has some sort of shark-based powers. No, Hammerhead is called Hammerhead because he will literally hammer you with his head until you look like a squashed tomato with a haemorrhage. Hammerhead, yet another Russian, is a throwback to the gangsters of yesteryear, pin-stripe suit and all. His backstory is a pretty interesting one; being beat up by a bully after claiming that he was Italian to a young school girl (because being Italian is clearly the thing to be (this claim has not a thing to do with me being Italian)), Hammerhead follows them to a cinema and then bashes their skulls in. Rather than leaving straight away, Hammerhead decides to stay and watch the film, which is about Al Capone. Unbeknownst to Hammerhead, he wasn€™t the only person in the cinema; a member of the local Mafia sees his ability to crush skulls like an eggshell with low self-esteem and recruits him. Hammerhead goes with his new Mafioso employers, who torture his father after refusing to pay extortion money. Hammerhead then delivers the kill shot, but not before denying his father, telling him that his €˜real€™ father was born in Sicily and died in a war. How He Could Work In The Marvel Studio's Reboot: The Kingpin, a gangster with no super powers, made a splash in the Daredevil series, proving himself to be an imposing, worthy opponent to a powered hero. Although Hammerhead is not a villain who would be able to carry an entire film, his gangster nature will provide a different type of bad guy for Spidey to butt heads with (pun intended). His backstory, in particular, is awesome and brutal and would easily play well with the audience, as it is simple but engaging. If you were wondering how Hammerhead could possibly be a physical threat to Spider-Man, he has a skull and skeleton made of secondary adamantium, aka the unbreakable alloy that Wolverine uses to pick food out of his teeth. Hammerhead is pretty much impervious to all types of damage, unless the weapons are also made of adamantium. Spidey would have his work cut out for him if he were to tussle with a guy whose metal forehead is the size of Tyra Banks€™.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.