10 Villains For The Spider-Man Reboot (And How To Use Them)

4. Rhino

Yes, I know that Paul Giamatti played an Ultimate Universe inspired Rhino at the end of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but it was a bit-part that took what could have been an awesome battle and ended up being just a big tease, giving viewers comic book movie blue balls. Rhino is Aleksei Systsevich, yet another Russian immigrant (these characters were created in the sixties, when the Cold War made Russian€™s scourges to the Western world) who participated in an experiment that bonded a super-strong polymer to his skin. For some reason, the polymer was in the shape of a rhinoceros. Go figure. Rhino€™s got super speed, strength, stamina, durability and the suit makes him impervious to damage. Despite all this, he€™s been turned into a little bit of a punching bag, being embarrassed by characters such as The Punisher and Deadpool. But he got the last laugh on Deadpool, when he turned him into a urinal cake, briefly making €˜Pool the Merc with a Mouthful of Urine. How He Could Work In The Marvel Studio's Reboot: Because we don€™t want the Rhino to look like Jim Carrey in the funniest scene of Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, having him wear a rhinoceros body suit may not be the most appropriate choice of costume for the character. However, the fact that he cannot take the suit off makes for an interesting dynamic and, if they can figure out a way to do it properly, would be very cool indeed. Rhino is generally depicted as having a bit of a cheerful personality, the kind of bad guy who is good at his core but made bad decisions in life. As Kraven should definitely be the main antagonist for the new Spider-Man movie, Marvel could use a Punisher story-line from the comic books, in which Kraven creates a €˜zoo€™ consisting of animal themed super villain, such as Rhino, the Vulture and Tiger Shark. Swapping out Frank Castle for Spider-Man, Spidey could run through a gauntlet of super villains before a climactic showdown with Kraven.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.