10 Villains For The Spider-Man Reboot (And How To Use Them)

3. Vulture

Yes, €˜the old guy with the wings€™ can actually be a memorable, fantastic villain for Marvel€™s Spider-Man film. Don€™t be so bloody ageist, people; one day gravity€™s going to hit you harder than a freight train on speed. Adrian Toomes set out for revenge after his business partner swindled him out of his equal share of profits from their company. Rather than make his ex-partner€™s Ashley Madison account public knowledge, Toomes did the next most logical thing and used a flying harness of his own design to wreck the business, an apparatus which also granted him super strength. Although Vulture is at a pretty advanced age, he is a strong fighter and remorseless killer, with his super sharp wings proving to be a deadly weapon. He could have been the star of many Red Bull commercials, but instead chose a life of crime. How He Could Work In The Marvel Studio's Reboot: Toomes poses a different kind of problem for Spider-Man; rather than punching the guy€™s lights out and potentially killing him, Spidey would have to find a way to incapacitate Vulture without looking like he enjoys beating up old men. A Vulture storyline that is quite moving could be incorporated into the movie. Place Vulture in Kraven€™s animal themed super villain zoo and then, upon defeating Kraven, have Spider-Man check on Toomes. Toomes, attacks Spider-Man, taking advantage of his kindness and gaining the upper hand. However, Toomes falls unconscious and Spider-Man, sensing that something is wrong, rushes him to hospital, which is where it is discovered that he has had a stroke and that the majority of his muscles on his left side of his body have been paralysed. The doctor leaves and Spider-Man sneaks in to check on Toomes. Toomes pleads with Spider-Man to kill him, because he cannot stand being weak. Spidey, naturally, refuses to do so and is taunted by the Toomes, who dubs him weak also. Peter then takes a pillow and begins suffocating Toomes, who fights back. Spidey removes the pillow, commenting that €œFor somebody who€™s begging to die, you fight for life pretty hard€. A little dark, yes, but it shows that Spider-Man has a heart by instilling a new-found zest for life in the Vulture.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.