10 Viral Outbreak Movies To Watch While In Quarantine

1. 28 Days Later

Contagion 2011
Fox Searchlight

28 Days Later did something bold and different to your standard zombie film, which really helped it stand above the rest in its genre. This wasn’t to do with the fact that it had the virus originate in monkeys, or that the “zombies” are very much still alive and are simply “infected.” No, this was because 28 Days Later asked one very important question- What if hippies did it?

The movie opens with a group of animal rights activists breaking into a Cambridge animal testing lab to free the monkeys inside. This would be considered a commendable act by most, but when a scientist catches them in the act and begs them to rethink their actions, due to the monkeys being infected with what could only be described as “rage,” they ignore this and release them anyway. Bye bye England.

The film then picks up with a group of survivors attempting to escape London and find sanctuary, you guessed it, 28 days later on from the Cambridge incident. Turns out surviving the apocalypse in the UK is about as enjoyable as doing so in the American movies on this list.

The vital lesson to be learned here is to be VERY weary of the soldiers patrolling your local Asda. They are NOT to be trusted.

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