10 Viral Outbreak Movies To Watch While In Quarantine

7. Cabin Fever

Contagion 2011

In the case of Cabin Fever, we see a display of sheer idiocy from start to finish. Five college kids decide to take a trip to rural Alabama in order to vacation in a cabin in the woods. Like, really? Haven’t they seen Cabin in The Woods? Mental.

Anyhow, the silliness doesn’t end there. Almost immediately, these pesky youngsters start having sex and smoking the devil’s lettuce. It’s like they WANT to die horrifically. Spoiler alert- they die horrifically.

After one of the group members accidentally shoots a man with a flesh-eating virus (this time it’s the virus eating the flesh, rather than the infected) he ends up attacking the group, being lit on fire, and dying in a lake. One of these geniuses then drinks water from the lake, she gets infected with said disease and, well you can probably see where this is going.

The important thing to take from this is just not to be freaking stupid. Honestly, even without the whole viral impact, drug-fuelled sex in a secluded cabin never turns out to be as good a time as you’d expect. Keep your clothes on, do your chores and mind your manners.

Or just have intoxicated sex in the comfort of your own home.

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