10 Viral Outbreak Movies To Watch While In Quarantine

5. Shaun Of The Dead

Contagion 2011
Universal Pictures

Shaun of the dead is undeniably the quintessential UK pandemic survival guide. However, there’s a twist here- it’s a guide on exactly what not to do. We’ve all made countless references to having a pint down the Winchester and waiting for “this whole thing to blow over” amidst a crisis, but this is not exactly the great advice we make it out to be.

Think about it- Shaun goes to the Winchester in a group of six to try and survive the zombie apocalypse. How many survive? Two. Well, two and a half, if you count Ed’s zombified state. Really in that situation, they should have all stayed at Liz’s flat. It’s above ground level and had a door so secure that Shaun had to climb up the drain pipe to get in.

If we look at our own situation, we’re not even allowed in the pub to begin with. It feels like sacrilege to write this, but it’s actually a good thing. We should stay secured in our homes and avoid the streets until this whole thing blows over.

We can still make the odd trip to the shops for essentials, of course. Time to stock up on lager and multi-packs of Cornettos.

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