10 Ways Avengers: Secret Wars Could Change The MCU Forever

1. The Real Introduction Of Mutants

Doctor Strange Professor X
Marvel Studios

Mutants are already officially in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Kamala Khan has been confirmed to have a mutation within her genes, and a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Easter Egg in She-Hulk told of a man using steel claws in a bar fight. However, they are yet to have a real introduction into the franchise.

This won’t happen in Phase Five, and while there is certainly the potential for an X-Men movie in Phase Six, Phase Seven may be the better place to start. That is, assuming the franchise gets the total reboot of Reed Richards rebuilding the entire multiverse from scratch.

When the mutants are introduced fully there will be the inevitable question of where they have been and why it has taken all of them so long to be revealed. With a universal reset like this it would make answering such a question much easier.

Though the likes of Ms. Marvel, Wolverine, and technically Professor X are already in the MCU, Reed could create a universe in which this mutation is far more common, and with more people now claiming to be mutants, it could spark the X-Men and the adversity the race has typically faced throughout their comic book and movie history from the so-called ‘normal’ humans.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.