10 Ways Avengers: Secret Wars Could Change The MCU Forever

2. The Creation Of A New Multiverse

Doctor Strange Professor X
Marvel Studios

The multiverse may be destroyed, but there could be another one created soon after. With the defeat of Doctor Doom in the comics came the opportunity for the surviving heroes of the Prime and Ultimate Universes to reshape their own reality. This was done by Reed Richards, his son Franklin, and Molecule Man. They created a new multiverse.

Literally, the ideas came from Franklin who along with his father formed them, they sliced off a piece of Molecule Man with each new reality, before Reed hurled them into existence. Should the MCU choose to utilize a similar story, this could be a completely new beginning for the franchise.

No matter how hard Reed Richards tries, there is no way he can replicate the world exactly, and would he even want to? He could create absolutely anything he wanted, which opens the doors to all kinds of unimaginable wonders being born into the world, and new places for Phase Seven and beyond to explore.

There will be completely new places as well as attempted recreations that will completely change the entire landscape of the MCU. Literally, nothing will be the same, and as much as he would be the best man for the job, Reed Richards isn’t perfect. There will be flaws in this new universe…


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.