10 Ways Avengers: Secret Wars Could Change The MCU Forever

9. The Return Of Dead Characters

Doctor Strange Professor X
Marvel Studios

Death usually means very little in the realms of comic books, at the very least it isn’t the final, ultimate sacrifice it would be in any other medium. Marvel even resurrected Bucky after 41 years, the one character that famously stayed dead. In terms of the MCU, the likes of Loki, Groot, Gamora, and Vision have all returned from the dead in one way or another, with even more joining them if you count the Variants shown in What If…?.

With Secret Wars, the MCU will essentially present itself yet another platform with which to bring back any characters they like. This is what the multiverse, and the aspect of Variants, can offer, particularly with two whole universes coming together as something of a final incursion.

Fans have thought about Quicksilver’s return for some time now, while the likes of Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff Variant ‘resurrections’ may also be tempting.

Earth-616’s Tony Stark should never ever be brought back to the screen, but how about an Ultimate or Superior version played by Tom Cruise to make up for the opportunity the Multiverse of Madness missed? The same could be said for Natasha. Her sacrifice needs to remain forever undone, but should Emily Blunt not fancy the role of Susan Storm, why not offer the same kind of Cruise-esque fan service of a Variant?


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.