10 Ways Avengers: Secret Wars Could Change The MCU Forever

7. Miles Morales Will Jump To Earth-616

Doctor Strange Professor X
Sony Pictures Releasing

One of the many, many consequences coming out the other side of the Secret Wars event in 2015 was that Miles Morales made the switch from the Ultimate Universe to Earth-616. He had met Peter Parker previously, but when the curtain dropped on the story he had jumped universes permanently.

There have been two teases for Miles Morales already existing within the MCU. One of which was Max Dillon musing that there must be a black Spider-Man out there somewhere, while the other was much closer to home. Donald Glover’s Aaron Davis confirmed that he had a nephew living in the city, obviously Miles.

However, perhaps in this universe Miles never becomes Spider-Man, much like in the comics. Instead, the Miles from whichever universe is left with Earth-616 does, and makes the jump after the events of the movie, again much like in the comics.

The MCU fandom has been crying out for Miles’ introduction for many years at this point, and with Tom Holland famously saying he wouldn’t want to play the Webhead when he was 30, a birthday he will enjoy just one year removed from the sixth Avengers movie, it seems that Peter Parker may need replacing in the MCU very soon.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.