10 Ways Deadpool 2 Is Actually A Huge Disappointment

8. Painfully Dated

Deadpool Love
Warner Bros.

For some reason, Deadpool 2 feels far more immediately dated than any other 2018 film. And not dated as in it will age badly in a couple of years (but it will do that too), but as in it already feels as if it has aged badly.

Some of the biggest running jokes of the film center around Frozen, dubstep, Human Centipede, and Batman V. Superman. Three of these topics would have been wearing thin in the first film in 2016. Here, in a 2018 film, they are absolutely dreadful. It also doesn't help matters that the jokes about these topics are all fairly mundane.

The fourth of these topics, Batman V. Superman, was released one month after the original Deadpool but has been run through the wringer in the years since. It would be wonderful to see Deadpool 2 make fun of this trainwreck in new and interesting ways, but instead, it again goes for the easiest possible joke. People have been making the same 'Martha' jokes for over two years now; does Deadpool 2 really expect us to find it especially funny just because it's coming out of Deadpool's mouth?

Also dating the film poorly are its effects. Somehow, despite the larger budget, the CGI in this film looks worse than the first. Moments such as the highway destruction or Colossal and Juggernaut's fight are undercut by effects that look like they are still very much works-in-progress. It all just feels weightless.

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Deadpool 2
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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.