10 Ways Doctor Strange In Spider-Man 3 Changes Everything

9. Spider-Man's Secret Identity Becomes A Secret Again

Spider-Man 3 Doctor Strange Multiverse
Sony Pictures

During the controversial events of "One More Day," Peter Parker made a bargain with Mephisto which saw him sacrifice his marriage in order to save the life of his Aunt May. Fans hated it, and Nick Spencer's Amazing Spider-Man run appears to be undoing that.

At the time, however, it was widely believed that Mephisto make everyone forget that Peter and Spider-Man were one and the same (he unmasked to the world during the events of Civil War).

It was later revealed that Iron Man, Reed Richard, and Doctor Strange teamed up to create a techno-magic-organic "virus" that would wipe the memories of everyone across the world of Spider-Man's secret identity. If he unmasked in front of them, they would remember everything, but the genie was very much put back in the bottle thanks to the Sorcerer Supreme.

After Mysterio outed Spider-Man's real name to the world - and framed him for murder - it makes sense for Peter to seek Strange out for his help, and Marvel Studios might be about to undo Far From Home's shocking mid-credits scene.


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