10 Ways MCU Movies Were Almost WAY Darker

4. Black Widow's Orphanage

Agent Coulson Death
Marvel Studios

During the five year time gap in Avengers: Endgame, Steve Rogers set up support groups, Thor spiralled into a pit of alcoholism and depression, and Bruce Banner figured out how to become Smart Hulk. Natasha on the other hand, stuck to the superhero life, and acted as the head of the new team of Avengers.

In a previous draft of the film however, instead of leading the likes of Rocket, Okoye, and Rhodey, Nat would have devoted her time to establishing and running an orphanage for the children left without parents after Thanos snapped his fingers.

This would have been a noble cause for Black Widow, and since she was unable to have children herself, it would have acted as closure for her entire MCU journey. However, the sheer amount of children left with no one to look after them would have made for a very dark story.

According to Anthony Russo, the situation would have been shown to stretch across one quarter of all children on Earth. 25% of the planet's children forced to bury both of their parents. A noble cause for Black Widow, yes, but possibly too dark and depressing, even for a movie designed to be dark and depressing, like Endgame.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.