10 Ways Star Wars Rogue One Was Almost Totally Different

6. "I Rebel"

star wars rogue one

Apparently Garth Edwards encouraged a free-flowing creative atmosphere during filming, allowing his actors to try different variations of the same scene and develop their characters on the fly. This is one reason for the reshoots; when they decided on the final direction of the story, they needed connective tissue to bring it all together.

This might explain why Jyn appears slightly different in the final version. In the initial trailers she seemed onboard with the whole rebellion thing, literally stating during an interrogation “It’s a rebellion, isn’t it? I rebel.” She’s portrayed as much more reluctant to get involved in the movie, and it’s been confirmed by the director this reluctance was added to give her more of an arc.

Once she sees what the Death Star can do and her father dies, this gives her the push she needs to get involved. The trailers also indicate even Saw Gerrara was worried about her involvement with the rebels, and the toll it would take on her soul.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.