10 Ways Star Wars: The Last Jedi Was Almost Completely Different

10. A First Order Assault On Ahch-To

Star Wars The Last Jedi Ahch To

Taken from the awesome Visual Dictionary accompaniment for the film (which breaks down everything from Caretaker garments to the inner-workings of lightsabers), early concepts show a First Order armada pushing towards Ahch-To.

This would've lined up with the many fan complaints as to why, if Snoke could link the minds of Kylo and Rey, and then listen in, didn't he locate Luke by way of Rey's interactions?

Going off this image, at some point Snoke did track down Skywalker through Kylo and Rey's mind-meld, deciding to send in the fleet. We can further extrapolate that depending on how far along the movie's production this idea remained, the final showdown as it appears in The Last Jedi could've happened on Ahch-To, seeing Luke die from wounds taken in battle instead of by Force projection.

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