10 Ways Batman v Superman Can Live Up To The Hype

8. It Can Give Us The Best Cinematic Batman

Batman V Superman
Warner Bros.

While Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale captured the spirit of Batman extraordinarily well, the films barely scratched the surface of what he's truly capable of. 

Snyder's the right director to unleash the Dark Knight's full glory on the big screen. He's skilled enough with action to give us the full martial artist Batman, and enough of a comic book geek to give us the world's most dangerous man–someone whose greatest superpower is his obsession.

Despite the overwhelmingly negative initial reaction to Ben Affleck's casting, no other actor that's ever donned the cape and cowl has ever resembled the character so completely, and that promise of source accuracy has already converted many skeptics. 

Ben has the height, the build, the looks, and more importantly, he has the acting chops to pull this character off. Everyone threw his movies from a decade ago at him, as proof that he wasn't built for the role, ignoring his complete career resurrection. 

He's won an Academy Award, strung together great films such as The Town, Argo, and Gone Girl, and has become David Fincher's latest muse.

Snyder and Affleck are the perfect match to deliver a great cinematic Batman, and worthy successors to Nolan and Bale.

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I'm a writer and musician living in New York City. I'm a huge fan of all types of films, comic books and anything with a great story, and an even bigger fan of drinking excessively on Saturdays. If you want to reach me to let me know what you think of my work (good or bad), you can reach me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+