10 Ways The X-Men Films Nearly Turned Out Very Differently

9. The Sentinels And The Danger Room - X-Men 2

Mister Sinister

When it was announced that X-Men 2's plot would revolve around William Stryker launching a pre-emptive attack on mutant-kind, fans hoped the mutant-hunting Sentinels would make an appearance. The towering automatons may not have shown up until Days of Future Past (save for a cameo in The Last Stand) but Bryan Singer always intended for them to appear in X2.

The androids' design would've been the same as their comic counterpart except they had the added ability to compress to a much smaller size. This would allow government officials and Stryker's forces to transport the Sentinels without rousing suspicion. When Singer learn it would cost $7 million to animate these characters, the idea was scrapped.

Another fundamental part of the X-Men stories that was meant to appear in this sequel was the team's training chamber, The Danger Room. The room would contain shifting floors, projectiles, and holograms. Even though a set was built, the filmmakers were concerned a training montage would slow down the pacing and prove too costly. After the producers cut $15 million from the budget, The Danger Room had to go.

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