10 Ways William Shatner Can Play Kirk Again In Star Trek 3

5. Spock Needs Him To Fix The Timeline

This is a long shot and runs the risk of turning the third movie into the Shatner & Nimoy show but that's never a bad thing and it would put Star Trek back on the right track. This alternative timeline might be new, where death is curable and it's full of advanced technology, but that doesn't mean it's better. Starfleet seems to have its priorities in the wrong place and Vulcan has been blown up causing Vulcans to become an endangered species. Nimoy-Spock is busy trying to establish a new Vulcan colony but however he looks at it, he was partly involved in the events that lead to the destruction of the Vulcan home world. Always able to explain his emotional outbursts as logical, Nimoy-Spock could come to the conclusion that this new timeline is broken and needs fixing. And to do that, he goes on a one man mission to correct it and to do that he needs the help of Shatner-Kirk. So using Khan's magic blood and a little bit of inter-dimensional traveling, he could bring the original Kirk back to put things right.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.