10 Ways William Shatner Can Play Kirk Again In Star Trek 3

4. Flashback Sequence

Some insist that there have been enough nods to the original Star Trek in the last two movies and it's time for the new crew to forge their own story. Star Trek 2009 used Nimoy-Spock to bridge the gap between the prime timeline and the new one, and Into Darkness ripped off an entire sequence from The Wrath of Khan as well as bringing back Khan for no apparent or logical reason. Bob Orci has hinted that Star Trek 3 will focus more on the Enterprise's five year mission of exploration, rather than be another Earth-centric movie. So in order to make a nice self-contained homage to the Original Star Trek, there could be an extended scene with just Shatner and Nimoy in the form of a flashback or memory sequence. It could be something that links with the main storyline but is removed enough so it still involves William Shatner but stops his presence from casting a shadow over the new crew. It could totally ignore the events of Star Trek: Generations or CGI could be used to make both Nimoy and Shatner look like their younger selves in the way Jeff Bridges was de-aged in Tron: Legacy.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.