10 Ways Zoolander 2 Is Everything That’s Wrong With Hollywood
8. Theres No Character Development Whatsoever
If youre considering making a sequel to a film, theres little point bothering unless youre going to try and do some sort of development with the characters. In recent years, major films like Star Wars: The Force Awakens (did Han Solo need to become a no-good smuggler again?) and Avengers: Age Of Ultron (will Tony Stark ever stop making ridiculous mistakes?) have been criticised for failing to move their characters forward. Zoolander 2 makes this error in a major way. Rather than exploring the interesting narrative potential of Derek being a husband and a father and a school-owner (which was left over from the first film), the sequel presses the reset button right at the start and returns Derek to being the same unencumbered idiot he was at the start of the original movie. Even in the final scenes of Zoolander 2, Derek hasnt changed at all. He gets his son back, but hasnt learnt anything about being a responsible parent. He builds another school with another silly name, and then the film ends, without showing us any new sides to the character or really progressing his life at all. What was the point?