10 Weirdest Body Horror Movies You've Probably Never Seen

4. May

American Mary
Lions Gate Films

An unbelievably difficult film to search for - "May 2002" returns search results for the month of that year - this movie stars Angela Bettis as a troubled young woman with a difficult past.

After struggling to make friends with people her entire life, the titular character finally starts to form some connections, even romantic ones.

Unfortunately, her unusual personality pushes those people away almost as soon as they arrive, causing May to go from social outcast to full-blown psychopath.

May's descent into madness happens quickly and, once she gets started, there's no going back. Her desire for revenge combined with some of her more unsettling tendencies towards violence means that the people who cross her are in for a very bad time.

Whilst it's actually quite a tender story at its heart, May is definitely a body horror and one that will turn your stomach with its high levels of blood and guts. The film's climax is especially gory, but it's definitely a spoiler so you'll have to watch it for yourself to truly experience it.

We can't do all the work for you.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.