10 Weirdest Cameos In James Bond Movies

5. Sir Richard Branson – Casino Royale

Madonna - Die Another Day

Casino Royale and Quantum Of Solace were made with the cooperation of Virgin Atlantic Airlines, so much so that the scene in Quantum Of Solace where James Bond meets Rene Mathis in a business class lounge and orders a Vesper Martini wasn’t actually shot in a lounge at all, but shot in the Virgin school for cabin crew, A.K.A “The Base” which was built only a year before Quantum Of Solace was made.

However, with Sir Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Group Ltd, being such a well-known and recognizable figure who doesn’t shy away from the public eye, decided to have his own little cameo in 2006’s Casino Royale. To go along with the money that Virgin Atlantic Airlines provided for the funding of Casino Royale with their product placement, and the plane that was provided for the film’s production in Prague, Czech Republic.

Sir Richard Branson can be seen getting scanned by Miami airport security as Bond casually walks through following Carlos, Le Chiffre’s henchman, as he attempts to destroy a Skyfleet prototype jetliner. Interestingly, however, whenever Casino Royale was shown on Virgin Atlantic Airlines as part of their in-flight streaming service, the scene with Sir Richard Branson was cut, and all references to Virgin Atlantic Airlines blurred.

As to why? One can only imagine it has something to do with Virgin Group Ltd having a problem with a scene that includes planes and explosions being related to them when passengers are already in the sky.

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Writer from the North East. Knowledgable in Horror Movies, Silent Movies, World Cinema and Retro Video Games.