10 Weirdest Movie Appearances By Musicians

2. Alanis Morisette - "Dogma"

Alanis1 Dogma is Kevin Smith€™s insane tale of Angels with massive guns. It€™s foul-mouthed, overtly violent, and frenzied from beginning to end. As if Matt Damon and Ben Affleck parading around Wisconsin playing banished angels wasn€™t weird enough,rock singer Alanis Morisette is cast here in a near-silent performance as the almighty God. Morisette herself was given a reasonably intense Roman Catholic upbringing, and it's difficult to see her devoutly religious family being too pleased with her portrayal of God. Any depictions of the Lord will invite judgement from religious groups, and if Morgan Freeman couldn't completely get away with it; nobody could. Smith€™s film does everything it can to invert popular ideas of Christianity, and presenting God as a woman is actually one of the milder modifications when placed next to two murderous, banished angels with big, shiny weapons. It€™s still weird though. Even Morisette herself would be the first to admit that.

Gaz Lloyd hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.