10 Weirdest Movie Appearances By Musicians

3. David Bowie - "Zoolander"

Bowie2 Zoolander itself is a very, very weird movie. It€™s also very, very silly. It know this and boy does it embrace it. Ben Stiller€™s 2001 film features a whole host of crazy cameos from all sorts of celebs, but the pick of the bunch is arguably David Bowie, who emerges from a crowd to rip off his sunglasses and state €œPerhaps I can be of service€. Bowie€™s appearance comes accompanied by a freeze-frame, title card, and music €“ just in case we didn€™t get the point that this was indeed a big deal. The legendary musician then adjudicates an underground model walk-off between male model Derek Zoolander (played by Stiller) and his arch-rival Hansel McDonald (Owen Wilson). Zoolander then proceeds to give himself an accidental super-wedgie, before Bowie dumps himself onto the walkway, looks up from under Stiller's legs and shouts €œDisqualified!€ in his prominent English accent. Seriously.

Gaz Lloyd hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.