10 Weirdest Movie Appearances By Musicians

5. Phil Collins - "Hook"

Phil Collins1 Taking a modern-day look at your old beloved childhood film €œHook€ would normally be an ill-advised decision. Watching Steven Spielberg€™s offbeat fairtytale through adult eyes reveals a creepy quality, with some bad acting and storytelling to boot. It just doesn't seem right Dustin Hoffman hiding under that grisly, dirty pirate beard. A lot of what appeared as spellbinding when you were kid, comes off as simply irritating when viewing as an adult. It€™s a rare Spielberg misfire that would ordinarily be best avoided, but €œHook€ does offer a few crazy crumbs of comfort. Amidst Spielberg€™s sea of swashbuckling oddities lies pop-rock ballad singer Phil Collins, cranking the film€™s €œweird€ factor up to eleven. As far as film goes, Collins is probably destined for an everlasting association with Tarzan tunes. But if you€™re ever up for seeing him push away his piano to work a police case, then look no further than €œHook€. And why wouldn€™t you want to see that?

Gaz Lloyd hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.