10 Wolverine Stories We Would Love To See In The MCU
5. Wolverine As A Villain

The big question every Marvel fan wants to know is how Wolverine will be introduced in the MCU? Will he be a founding member of the X-Men? Will he be recruited by Professor X?
Because Marvel Studios aren't known for playing it safe, there is a very bold way to introduce the character; what if Wolverine starts off as an enemy to the X-Men?
This concept was done in the 2001 reboot, Ultimate X-Men. The story begins with Magneto ordering his henchman, Wolverine, to infiltrate the team and kill Charles Xavier once he has gained the X-Men's trust. After spotting Jean Grey, he decides not to slay the team's mentor until after he sleeps with her. (Because, y'know, priorities.)
But after spending enough time with Xavier's students, Wolverine realises the X-Men's dream is worth fighting for and so, turns against Magneto. It would be a nice change to see Wolverine start off as a villain and gradually be won over by the Xavier's ideals. Wolverine is known for having inner demons so it would be interesting to see him not know what side to fight for rather than depicting him as a good guy from the get-go.