10 Worst Accidental Deaths In Horror Movies

1. Louise Scarangella - Inside

Hereditary Charlie Dead
La Fabrique de Films

2007's French horror classic Inside remains one of the most visceral and unsettling horrors of the last 20 years - a bleak, efficient genre exercise in which a young pregnant woman, Sarah (Alysson Paradis), fends off a murderous woman (BĂ©atrice Dalle) who wants her unborn baby.

It's a grim film full of stomach-churning violence, most of it intentionally motivated, that is except for the horrifying accidental death of Sarah's mother Louise (Nathalie Roussel).

Louise arrives at her daughter's home in order to check up on her, but mistaking her for the attacking woman, Sarah stabs her in the neck with a needle.

Sarah is then forced to watch as arterial spray shoots uncontrollably from her own mother's neck before she collapses to the floor, dead.

As collateral damage goes it's absolutely horrifying, and yet somehow still far from the most messed-up part of the entire movie.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.