10 Worst Accidental Deaths In Horror Movies
7. Monica - Dawn Of The Dead (2004)
Zack Snyder's surprisingly solid Dawn of the Dead remake sees most of its human characters dispatched by the undead horde of course, but not poor Monica (Kim Poirier), who meets an arguably far worse end.
Monica actually makes it pretty close to the end of the movie, fleeing the overrun shopping mall with her fellow survivors in a pair of trucks.
However, they soon enough notice a zombie clinging to the back of the truck she's in, and while Kenneth (Ving Rhames) makes erratic driving manoeuvres in an attempt to shake the zombie loose, passenger Glen (R. D. Reid) decides to rev up a chainsaw to deal with it.
But Kenneth makes a sharp vehicular turn that spells disaster for Monica, as the chainsaw-totting Glen then stumbles and accidentally digs his chainsaw into Monica's shoulder, abruptly slicing her in half.
It's not the quickest of deaths, either: we see Monica suffering for a good few seconds as the chainsaw slices through her body. Operating a chainsaw in a confined, unstable environment isn't the smartest of ideas - who woulda thunk it?