10 Worst Accidental Deaths In Horror Movies

4. Mike - Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil

Hereditary Charlie Dead
Magnet Releasing

Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil is a deliciously subversive horror comedy in which the titular duo of jovial hillbillies are mistaken for a pair of backwoods murderers, all while a group of hapless college students end up dying in a series of unfortunate, improbable accidents.

Pretty much every death in the movie is a doozy, but the easy highlight is the end that befalls Mike (Joseph Allan Sutherland).

Believing Tucker (Alan Tudyk) to be a killer, Mike charges at him to attack, but a blissfully unaware Tucker bends down to fetch some wood and Mike plunges head-first into the nearby woodchipper.

Mike's body is immediately mangled in the machine all while Tucker desperately tries to pull the lower half of his body out, but of course, Mike's friends see this scene without context and believe that Tucker is actually feeding Mike's body into the woodchipper.

To top it all off, once Mike has been sufficiently mulched Tucker asks his remains, "You OK?" Brilliant.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.