10 Worst Adam Sandler Movies Ever

8. Little Nicky (2000)

Little Nicky Adam Sandler
New Line Cinema

Little Nicky features one of Sandler's worst recurring elements: a stupidly annoying voice that makes you want to rip your ears off. At first, you wonder if he's actually going to keep it up for the entirety of the film or if it's just a bit of a gag at the audience's expense, but as the minutes pass by, it becomes clear that it's not going to stop.

Sandler was on a bit of a high when Little Nicky came out, having enjoyed a couple of big hits like Big Daddy and The Wedding Singer, and deserves a bit of credit for at least trying a more original idea, casting himself as the son of Satan who has to stop his evil brothers from making a new Hell on Earth.

Unfortunately, a reasonably interesting idea quickly wears thin as the gags fall flat and the floundering film becomes overly reliant on random celebrity cameos to stay afloat. Humour is a highly subjective thing, but so many of the jokes and lines in Little Nicky seem lazily put together, and enduring Sandler's hellish voice proved a bridge too far for many viewers.

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Adam Sandler
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Mike Pedley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.