10 Worst Adam Sandler Movies Ever

7. Grown Ups 2 (2013)

Little Nicky Adam Sandler
Happy Madison

The first Grown Ups had literally no plot, so it's astonishing that Sandler and co had the audacity to contrive a sequel out of it, but that's exactly what happened. The first film was basically an excuse for Sandler to get together with all his buddies and spend an extortionate budget on fart jokes and other nonsense, and the second is simply more of the same.

The film starts off with a deer urinating all over the star and somehow only gets worse from there. Just like the first Grown Ups, the sequel has no story to speak of, simply consisting of one dumb gag after another, many of which feel like they should have been left on the cutting room floor.

It's mindless, dull, grotesque, and you actually feel like a bad person for suffering through it. Oh, and plenty of jokes are made at the expense of others based on their sexuality, appearance, or ethnicity, so it ticks the "Offensive" box too. A real home run for Sandler.

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Adam Sandler
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Mike Pedley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.