10 Worst Animated Movies Of The 2010s

7. The Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature (2017)

The Emoji Movie
Open Road Films

A film like this would normally go a lot higher, but because it failed so spectacularly at the box office, kids were spared one of the worst animated offerings of 2017, and ruined the chance of its teased sequel ever seeing the light of day.

The sequel to 2014’s equally terrible Nut Job, Nutty by Nature follows Surly Squirrel (prefect name for a kids character) and his friends as they try to stop their park being bulldozed to make way for an amusement park. So it’s once again an animated feature not being at all subtle about its environmental message.

The feature goes all over the place with its story, throwing in a love story between two dogs, the animals looking for a new home, dodging exterminators and Chinese mice. It’s so desperate to keep kids attention that the film is willing to throw everything at them but ends up being exhausting and incomprehensible.

It’s a shame because there’s a massively talented bunch of people behind mics. Actors like Will Arnett, Jackie Chan, Katherine Heigl, Maya Rudolph, Jeff Dunham, etc. But they’re all wasted on a bad script and, for the time it came out especially, some very ugly and outdated animation


A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!