10 Worst Big Money Trilogies Of All Time

5. The Hangover

Total Box Office: $1.416 billion One sure fire way to ruin a trilogy is to basically rehash the plot of the original film and The Hangover managed to do this not once, but twice. Things started out so good though: the first Hangover film was a monster hit bringing in over 13 times its modest budget of $35 million and though it relied heavily on gags (it is a comedy after all), it had a certain heartfelt quality to it and introduced the brilliant Zach Galifianakis and his trademark offbeat humour to a wider audience. Armed with a doubled budget of $80 million, The Hangover Part II moved the action from Las Vegas to Thailand but that was about the only thing that changed and its recycled jokes and plotlines fell flat with audiences. Seemingly paying no mind to reviews, Todd Phillips released the third instalment in 2013 repeating the trilogy€™s tired formula yet again to predictable results. Though all three films were a commercial success (there€™s no accounting for taste), genuine laughs ended with the first.

Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.