10 Worst CGI Effects In Superhero Films

5. CGI Catwoman – Catwoman

X-men origins wolverine claws
Warner Bros.

This is an entry that isn’t going to surprise many people. Pretty much every superhero fan is in agreement that Halle Berry’s Catwoman 2004 adaptation (in the loosest sense of the word), is a colossal disaster on nearly every front.

While everything from the acting to the screenplay stinks, it’s the CGI work that stands out as being particularly awful. The movie is stuffed full of crappy greenscreen work, and floaty CGI characters that look better in the video game adaptation.

The worst offender of these is the fully CGI Catwoman that is used when she is leaping through the city. A similar effect was used in the first Rami Spiderman movie, to much greater success. Here, it barley looks passable, mainly due to the effects team having to render Berry’s face, an effect that clearly wasn’t ready at the time. Spiderman was able to avoid this, while Catwoman has it on full, ugly, display.


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